Chicano Park
Steering Committee

P.O. Box 13325
San Diego, Califas 92170

Chicano Park Brochure (updated 2010)

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About CPSC







Chicano Park: National Landmark, Local Treasure  San Diego Tourism Authority []

Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center  

Unlike Other City Parks, the City Doesn't Run This One by Andrea Lopez-Viillafaña, Voice of San Diego, April 24, 2023.

Why Chicano Park is One of San Diego's Must-See Cultural Landmarks by Maura Fox, San Diego Union Tribune, April 19, 2023

The struggle persists, but Chicano Park Day celebrates the progress marked by murals and a new museum by Jeff McDonald, San Diego Union Tribune, April 22, 2023.

San Diego's Chicano Park Celebrates Its Anniversary by Soumya Karlamangla, New York Times, April 19, 2022.

Segregation, Racism, and Neglect that led Chicano Park & the Monumental Murals to become a National Landmark' presented by Josephine S. Talamantez, SD Mesa College Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series, April 14, 2021 (1 hr, 30 mins)

Chicano Park at 50: Renewal and Self Determination Through Poster Art, USD University Galleries.

50 Years Ago, Fed Up with the City's Neglect, a San Diego Community Rose Up to Create Chicano Park by Eduardo Díaz, Smithsonian Magazine, April 28, 2020.

Chicano Park 50 Years Later: coronavirus delays celebration, but historic moment still matters, by Daniel Hernandez, Los Angeles Times, April 24, 2020.

Art & Resistance: New Policies Made by CalTrans Threaten the RIghts of Future Chicano Park Muralists, by Roberto Camacho, Step Off Magazine, June 20, 2019

Hidden San Diego: Chicano Park   []

This Beautiful Park in the Heart of Barrio Logan Celebrates San Diego's Vibrant Chicano Culture, Secret San Diego, Sept 17, 2020

Explore the Murals of San Diego's Chicano Park  by Lauren Walser, National Trust for Historic Preservation, July 5, 2017

Inside the Icon: Chicano Park  by Pablo J. Sainz, San Diego Magazine, April 14, 2017

A Visual POW  at the San Diego Chicano Park Murals  by Carol Guttery, Wayfaring Views, October 1, 2017

Chicano Park: From Embattled, Undeveloped Land to National Landmark Go San Diego

The Keepers of Chicano Park's History  by Kinsee Morlan, Culturecast, Voice of San Diego, June 24, 2016

Chicano Park 2015 Murals Documentation Project: Guide To The Murals of Chicano Park Murals of Chicano Park, USD Dept of Ethnic Studies, 2015

A Turning Point: the conception and realization of Chicano Park by Kevin Delgado. Journal of San Diego History, San Diego Historical Society Quarterly,Vol. 44, No. 1 

Recent Murals/Mural Restoration

A 1997 Mural in Chicano Park is Being Restored for a New Generation of Female Activism by Alexandra Mendoza, San Diego UnionTribune, February 17, 2024

Alumnus Unveils a Chicano Park Mural, 20 Years in the Making by Michael Klitzing, SDSU website, September 8, 2023

Chicano Park’s new mural celebrates a San Diego lawyer’s historic victory for farm workers. For the artist, the victory is personal by Emily Alvarenga, San Diego Union Tribune, July 4, 2023

The Fight Against the Devil's Arm : The Story behind Chicano Park’s New Mural by Katie Hysen, KPBS, June 23, 2023

Chicano Park's Latest Mural: A Tribute to Lowrider Culture, Uses Authenic Car Airbrushing Techniques by Christina Bravo, NBC San Diego, July 25, 2022.

Artist Unveil Chicano Park Mural That Pay Homage to Anastasio Hernandez Rojas, Other Deaths at Border  by Andrea Lopez-Villafaña, San Diego Union Tribune, September 29, 2020

Mural Creation Story: A Concrete Tribute to the Kumeyaay Comes Alive in San Diego's Chicano Park  by Tamara Ikenberg, Native News Online, September 1, 2020

Creation Story Mural Brings Kumeyaay History to Chicano Park  by Jeff Terich, Pacific San Diego, September 30, 2020

New Mural in Chicano Park Celebrates the History of Lowriding by Celina Tebor, San Diego Union Tribune, November 11, 2019

Chicano Park 51 (Virtual): Rigo Reyes of Amigos Car Club & CPSC and artist Sal Barajas talk about the new Amigos Car Club mural in Chicano Park.

Here Are the Stories Behind 10 Murals in San Diego's Chicano Park by Adriana Cataño, Remezcla, Oct. 11, 2018.

50th Anniversary (2020)

Chicano Park Day Posters Chicano Park at 50: Renewal and Self Determination Through Poster Art, University of San Diego

Fifty Years Ago, Fed Up With the City's Neglect, a San Diego Community Rose Up to Create Chicano Park  by Eduardo Díaz, Smithsonian, April 28, 2020

Chicano Park 50 Years Later: Coronavirus Delays Celebration but Historic Moment Still Matters  by Daniel Hernandez, Los Angeles Times, April 24, 2020

Chicano Park Day 50th commemoration flag-raising (cancelled public event)

Artists/Activists Profiles

'Yolanda López: Portrait of the Artist' trailer,  Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, Dec 14, 2020 (1 min, 5 sec)

'Chicanosauruz at the Border: Victor Ochoa' TEDxUCSD, 2020 Annual Event Rebooted, August 4, 2020 (17 mins 51 sec)

'Yolanda M. López in conversation with Cherrie Moraga & Celia Herrera Rodríguez' Las Maestras Center, Feb. 12, 2020 (1 hr 39 mins, 53 sec)

'Magnificent Mujer Berenice Badillo PhDBuen Hombre Magnificent Mujer, June 30, 2020 (51 min, 51 sec)

'Buen Hombre Mario Torero' Buen Hombre Magnificent Mujer, April 26, 2020 (56 mins, 54 sec)

'Buen Hombre Rigo Reyes' Buen Hombre Magnificent Mujer, April 22, 2020 (1 hr, 8 min)

'Beatrice Zamora Aguilar Que Viva Chicano Park Interview' Buen Hombre Magnificent Mujer, April 22, 2020 (27 min, 48 sec)

'Art of the City TV: Victor Ochoa with host Ruth Ann Thorn' April 9, 2020 (6 min)

'Artivism without Borders: Mario Torero' TEDxSDSU, July 31, 2019 (11 mins 59 sec)

'Justice in January: Chicano Park Mural' (features Tommie Camarillo) by Joe Johnston, Gonzaga University, Feb 22, 2018

'Irma Patricia Aguayo: A Journey of Creation' by Mario A. Cortez, La Prensa San Diego, May 3, 2018

'Armando Nuñez interview with Mario Torero' Sept. 6, 2017 (54 mins, 55 secs)   

'A Missing Link to Greatness: San Diego Artist Guillermo Aranda' by Maria-Elena Ugalde, San Diego Free Press, April 21, 2017. 

'Hector Villegas Talks about Chicano Park in Barrio Logan, San Diego'  Jud Burgess, Feb. 29, 2016 (4 mins, 19 secs)

'Voces de los Muros Project: Guillermo Aranda, Historical Mural' October 18, 2013 (55 mins, 48 secs)  

'Voces de los Muros Project: Guillermo Rosette, Chicano Park Takeover Mural' October 16, 2013 (31 mins, 25 secs)  

'Voces de los Muros Project: Tommie Camarillo' October 13, 2013 (36 mins, 29 secs)  

'Voces de los Muros Project: Linda Velarde, Chicano Park Takeover Mural' October 13, 2013 (13 mins, 31 secs)  

'Voces de los Muros Project: Armando Nuñez, Historical Mural' May 22, 2014 (27 mins, 07 secs)  

"Mujeres Muralistas: Chicano Park Female Artists" by Rita Sanchez (La Prensa-San Diego, June 29, 2012)  La Prensa--San Diego

"Restoring the Chicano Park Murals" KPBS, January 13, 2012 (4 min, 24 sec) Features Felipe Adame, Mario Torero, Victor Ochoa

'Interview with Mario Torero' by HD Video San Diego, Feb. 23, 2010 (4 mins, 52 secs)

National Historic Landmark, NPS 

Dept of Interior Press Release 24 sites including Chicano Park now have National Historic Landmark status (January 2017)

An Iconic San Diego Park is Now a National Landmark by Lauren Walser, Preservation magazine, National Trust for Historic Preservation (Summer 2017)

Chicano Park Wins US Landmark Status, As Trump Looms by Elliot Gabriel (Jan 16, 2017)

"US Interior Dept Designates Chicano Park National Historic Landmark" by Monica Garske (Jan 11, 2017)

"San Diego's Iconic Chicano Park is Officially Named a National Historic Landmark" by Yara Simon (Jan 11, 2017)

"Chicano Park Designated as a Historic Landmark" by Erik Anderson (Jan 11, 2017)

"San Diego's Chicano Park designated as National Historic Landmark" (January 11, 2017)

Chicano Park Preservation Act

U.S. Congress. Committee on Natural Resources. Chicano Park Preservation Act : Report (to Accompany H.R. 3711). 114th Cong., 2d sess., 2016. H.R. Rep. 114-845.

National Register of Historic Places

National Register of Historic Places Program: Chicano Park, San Diego, California

National Register of Historic Places Registration Application for Chicano Park (full 160 pages)

"Chicano Park Lands Historic Designation" by Monica Garske, NBC San Diego, Feb. 28, 2013.

"Historic Milestone for Chicano Park" by James Chute, SD Union Tribune, Feb. 28, 2013.

Chicano Park Enhancements (Urban Corps)

"Barrio Logan's Chicano Park Gets a $1M Makeover" (Nov 6, 2015)

"Recreational Improvements to Chicano Park Completed" by Brent E. Beltran (Oct 28, 2015)

"Chicano Park gets a makeover" by Dan Plante (Nov. 5, 2015)

Mural Restoration Project (2011-2012)

"Chicano Park Mural Restoration -- 2013 Governor's Historic Preservation Award (video  coverage of mural project)

"Chicano Park and Its Wondrous Murals by Martin D. Rosen" Save Our Heritage Organisation, Volume 42, 2011, p. 26-31. 

"A Place to Celebrate Chicano Civil Rights"  Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 2014.

"Restoring the Chicano Park Murals" KPBS, January 13, 2012 (4 min, 24 sec)

"Mujeres Muralistas: Chicano Park Female Artists" by Rita Sanchez (La Prensa-San Diego, June 29, 2012)  La Prensa--San Diego

"Chicano and Chicana Muralists Recognized for Historic Preservation of San Diego's Cultural Landscape" (La Prensa-San Diego, June1, 2012)

"Through Our Blood Historic Restoration of Chicano Park Murals Begins" (part 1) by Gail Perez (La Prensa-San Diego, July 8, 2011)

"Revitalization not Restoration: A People's Art" (part 2) by Gail Perez and David Avalos (La Prensa-San Diego, July 15, 2011)

"Undocumented Worker" Photos by David Avalos (La Prensa-San Diego, August 5, 2011)

"Chicano Park Takeover" Photo and article by David Avalos (La Prensa-San Diego, August 26, 2011)

"Niños del Mundo Alive and Well in Chicano Park" by David Avalos (La Prensa-San Diego, September 9, 2011)

"Chicano Park Artists Recapture the Fiery Glory of Vidal M. Aguirre's 1980 Aztec Archer" Photo and story by David Avalos (La Prensa-San Diego, September 16, 2011)

"Varrio Logan: Final Mural Revitalized in Chicano Park Restoration Project, Phase 1" by David Avalos (La Prensa-San Diego, September 23, 2011)

"Artists Restore Chicano Park Murals, Symbol of '70s Political Struggle" by Patricia Leigh Brown (California Watch, Center for Investigative Reporting ['California Lost'] November 23, 2011) 

'"Touching Up a Revolution in Chicano Park" by Kelly Bennett and Sam Hodgson (Voice of San Diego article and video):

Mario Chacon's presentation, "Add New Color to History at Meeting of the Minds event, February 1, 2012 (video)

"Chicano Park Murals Get Facelift" by Angela Carone (Jan 13, 2012)

Leslie Lopez, KUSI, June 19, 2012 video on the murals history and restoration (although please note the mural restoration project has not yet been completed):

"Restoring the Colorful History of Chicano Park: Original muralists come back to help restore nearly 40-year-old murals in Barrio Logan."by Kyle Lundberg (June 15, 2012, updated in July 2012 to reflect correct name 'Toltecas en Aztlan' for artists collective)

Photo gallery of muralists:

Photo gallery of Guillermo Rosette restoring mural (Jan. 26, 2012):!/news/local/Chicano-Park-Murals-Revamped/136793523

"San Diego Proud: Chicano Park Revitalized' by Susana Franco & Issac Cadriel (video, Feb 8, 2012)

Todd Stands Interview: Documenting the Chicano Park Mural Restoration by Perry Vasquez (Jan 2012) 

"Artists Restore Chicano Park Murals" by Patricia Leigh Brown (Nov. 23, 2011)

"Power of La Raza Returns to Chicano Park" by Paola Gonzalez  (Feb 28, 2012)

"Chicano Park Murals Receive a Freshing Up" by Andrea Aliseda  (Mar 7, 2012)

Go-Pro head cam on Bees-gacrew as he works on mural restoration by Flavored Layers/Dave Gutierrez

The Media Arts Center teaches youth how to record and edit entire news stories using project iPhones. Mobile Stories ( includes an interview with Felipe Adame and Glory Galindo Sanchez as well as images of the 'Aztec Archer' mural. The edited version is available at (2 min., 14 sec.). The unedited version (9 min., 8 sec.) is at

The Lights Turn On In Chicano Park Vanessa Herrera reports for NBC San Diego, August 31, 2014.

Murals of Chicano Park by Walter Otto Koenig.

The History of a People on Pillars, Chicano Park Murals Restored by Amanda Quintana, JMS Reports, 5/7/14.

Chicano Park: "We Fought a Lot of Battles to Get It Where It Is Today" by Pablo J. Sainz, La Prensa-San Diego, 4/11/14.

Chicano Park: "Hemos Luchado Muchas Batallas Para Llegar a Donde Esta Hoy" by Pablo J. Sainz, La Prensa-San Diego, 4/11/14.

44 Aniversario de Chicano Park by Phill Soto, La Voz Arizona, 3/26/14.

Chicano Park Steering Committee Takes a Bow from SOHO by Mark R. Day, La Prensa-San Diego, 6/28/13.

Barrio Logan's Chicano Park, Our National Treasure by Brent E. Beltran, San Diego Free Press, 3/20/13.

National Register of Historic Places, Chicano Park, San Diego, CA National Park Service, U.S. Dept of the Interior, Jan 2013.

Chicano Park and the Transformative Power of Murals
CRP-Community Rejuvenation Project (Oakland, CA) 10/25/2012

A Cactus Speaks of Persistence : Thoughts about the Restoration of the Murals at Chicano Ernie McCray, San Diego Free Press, 9/8/12.

Original Artists Work to Restore Chicano Park Murals by Bill Manson, San Diego Reader, July 4, 2012

Chicano Park and the Chicano Park Murals: A National Register Nomination by Josie S. Talamantez (Spring 2011)

Chicano Park Celebrates Its Status as a National Historic Monument by John M. Egers (Huffington Post, April 16, 2012)

Resisting, Reclaiming and Asserting Democracy: The Case of Chicano Park by Tarecq Amer, Ph.D. Candidate, Geography Graduate Group, Univ. of Calif, Davis). Uploaded Nov 13, 2011

Chicano Park. Bürgerinitiative, Graffiti-Kunst und Traumaverarbeitung by Michael S. Falser (in German) April 2007

Mural is Truly Sign of the Times: Decades-old text opposes junkyards, not Yankees San Diego Union-Tribune 04/16/07

Chicano Park renovationists allowed use of term 'Aztlán' San Diego Union-Tribune 03/05/03

A park's future hangs on word: Caltrans says word Aztlán is 'militant' and using it could violate federal rules San Diego Union-Tribune 02/28/03

Video of Chicano Park Takeover, 1970 (courtesy of Sonia Lopez and SDSU Spec Collections)

Chicano Park Info:

Map of Chicano Park mural names, artists, and dates.
What is the Chicano Park Steering Committee?
The Battle of Chicano Park: A Brief History of the Takeover